Total: 3

    - Describe the characteristics of influenza viruses, and the disease they cause - List the objectives of public health surveillance - Explain why laboratory data are important for influenza surveillance - Interpret measures used to determine the burden of disease - Understand frequency measures used in statistical reporting for influenza surveillance - Understand the uses of absolute and relative measures - Identify the five key measures to include in an influenza weekly report - List the characteristics of well-constructed tables and graphs - Display in graphical and tabular format, weekly data - List the key characteristics of oral and written presentations
    Describir las características de los virus de influenza, y la enfermedad que causan Enumerar los objetivos de la vigilancia en salud pública Explicar por qué los datos de laboratorio son importantes para la vigilancia de influenza Interpretar los diferentes tipos de medidas que se utilizan para determinar la carga de enfermedad Calcular medidas de frecuencia en el reporte estadístico de datos de laboratorio para la vigilancia de la influenza Comprender los diferentes usos de las medidas absolutas y relativas Estar capacitado para recolectar y reportar datos semanalmente utilizando las medidas más importantes Estar capacitado para presentar datos semanales en forma de gráficos Estar capacitado para explicar resultados de datos semanales en breves presentaciones orales y escritas
    - To position the prevention and control of NCDs in the actual global, regional and national context; - To understand the applicability of policy tools for the prevention and control of chronic non communicable diseases; - To become familiar with successful surveillance systems and methodologies in the Americas; - To understand the applicability of policy tools for the prevention and control of chronic non communicable diseases; - To understand social marketing and its applicability to public health problems and behavior change; - To understand the Chronic Care Model and be able to apply the components to intervention development